December 12, 2009

recently on the web

Ilker Drennan at Every Day Fiction

and an unsolicited critique of the story (which I find myself agreeing with, for the most part):

Stuff Gets in the Way
at Every Day Poets

one-act play Deception to be produced by Borelians Community Theatre, Port Perry, ON

Festival of Canadian One-Act Plays

May 7 to 15, 2010

"Deception" written by Donna Gagnon
"7/10 Split" written by Michael Wilmot
"Cowboy Boots and a Corsage"
written by Katherine Koller

1 comment:


Sorry to butt in, Fib: You won yourself a copy of Liza Granville's *The Tor* in short order and with the right answer to the question asked. Just drop me a line to let me know if you'd like the paperback (need a landmail address for that) or would prefer ebook in PDF, ePub or Mobi (your email addy is fine for that). Catch me at (use the @ sign, natch). Congratulations and best wishes ... now back to your own blog. Neil

PS: Gosh -- this message reads like spam. It's not, folks, honest injun! Just that I don't have Fib's email address to write direct. N